Important Facts About Fiber- By: Emma Sundstromma

Description : When looking to improve the diet, adding much needed healthy fiber will go a long way towards health. Most of us do not get enough fiber eating highly processed foods. Much research has praised a higher fiber content in our foods, yet it is one missed by so many.

Here are some facts to pump up your fiber desire!

1. Fiber has disease fighting effects. A diet hoigh in fiber will prevent cholesterol to be absorbed in the colon. It also helps to prevent constipation which has it's own many negative effects. Studies also show that fiber can help prevent cancer of the colon and heart disease.

2. Fiber as an aid when dieting. When wanting toi reduce weight, adding fiber to the food, or eating foods high in fiber will help to feel full and satisfied much longer. Fiber slows down the process of digestion.

3.Processed foods lack fiber. Most of us eat processed foods. These foods are notorious for their low fiber content. Add some fiber in pill form, or add some fruits or vegetables with a high fiber content of you eat ready made foods.

4. Grains are a great source for fiber. Whener you eat breads or pasta make sure it is whole wheat and not processed. Whole grains contain a healthy level of grains.

5.Children has a need for fiber as well. Make sure your child gets plenty of fresh fruits, vegeatbles and whole grains to foster healthy habits and a healthy colon.

6. Fiber needs water to move. Fiber absorb water so need an ample supply of water to be able to move through your intestines. This is also why fiber is great for constipation. It provides bulk and moisture.

7. The fiber content will be the same whether the food is cooked or not. Infact, for mushrooms the fiber content actually increases when cooked. Grilling, steaming or sauteeing your veggies will not change the fiber content.

8. More of a good thing is not necessary better. Fiber os one of those. 50 grams of fiber or so appears to be a nhumber not to exceed. Overdoing fiber can lead to bloat and diarrhea.

9. It is not diffiluct to get the right amount of fiber in your diet. It may seem complicated or cumbersome, but adding some fresh fruits, veggies and grains of the "whole" variety every day may be all you need to do.

Fiber is a key ingredient to keep us healthy in so many ways. Not only healthy, but slimmer and with more wellbeing.
It is so easy to add more fiber to the diet, and it is also very inexpensive. For something so easy that has such far reaching effects, adding fiber should be high on your list. szzbx338

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